Nuns Walk & Stream Enhancement.

Welcome to our little site about Nuns Stream & Walk. We get a lot of questions from walkers passing through, about our plans for the site, so we have tried to list our hopes & plans here. We will continue to update the site, so do check back from time to time, or follow us on social.

Nuns Walk/Stream

In our opinion Nuns Walk & Nuns Stream needs some love, it feels like the forgotten corner of Winchester...
We would like to enhance the track, fencing, footpath, riverbank & stream; luckily much of the homework has already been done for us.

Previous Schemes:

In 2020, as part of the Durngate Flood Alleviation Scheme for Hampshire County Council, the "Nuns Stream Enhancement & Management Scheme" was proposed & approved, but sadly it has since fallen by the wayside.

We have been hoping that the scheme might come back onto the councils agenda, but after a few years of waiting its clear that its no longer a priority.

From what we can tell, there have been two schemes proposed & approved, but neither got very far.

20?? WCC & EA Scheme

Nuns Walk Habitat Improvement Scheme.
(WCC & EA)

Does anyone know anything about this project?

2020 Hampshire County Council Scheme

Nuns Stream Enhancement & Management Strategy (HCC, WCC, EA & Sparsholt College)

Funding has sadly evaporated.


Existing pressures on the stream & footpath can be summarised as follows:

19.1122 - Durngate - Nuns Stream enhancement and management strategy final 2020-02-04[56].pdf

Our Plans:

Ideally we would like to get HCCs proposed scheme back the agenda, so we are currently poking round different departments to see if any funding might be available. Much of the river work will require permits from Natural England and the Environment Agency, so a council led scheme would be preferable as its quite a substantial project. However its looking unlikley, as the funds were reallocated during COVID, so we are now looking to incorporate the proposed improvements within our own project.

In summary:

Fencing 01/2024 🤺

During the first phase of our restoration of Nuns Walk & Stream, the fence is being replaced. We are  replacing the very old and collapsed 6ft chain link fencing, with deer fencing of the same height, and new gates in place of the old herras fence panels.

This is so that both we, and The Hampshire & Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust can safely graze cattle in the meadows to help meet our Natural England Obligations for a SSSI site. With Grazing it will help the wildflowers thrive, and to put a stop the the years of fly tipping and damage from trespassing.

Done ✅

Bees 🐝 (4/2024)

We will be installing a few hives near the meadows as part of a local community group. So if any of you are keen bee keepers and would like to get involved, maybe even set up a hive please let us know.

Erosion & Marginal Fringe 🌱

There are a number of places along Nuns Stream/Walk where the river bank and footpath has been eroded away. We would like to restore the bank in the same way proposed in the HCC report.

We would like to restore the marginal fringe to reduce further erosion, and to encourage vegetation growth in the silt. This should concentrate the flow in the middle of the channel and reduce silt build up there. 

Will be taking the advice of the EA and Wessex Rivers Trust, once the necessary permits are granted.

Footpath Repairs 🥾

We plan to repair sections of the footpath so that its not just mud underfoot. This should help reduce the erosion of bank & fringe, which in turn causes water damage to the road, leading to flooding & run off back into the stream.

Furthermore following a couple of vehicle/dog accidents, the repairs should make the public right of way access safer. With a clearer public route around the barns, it will also reduce the risks of cattle movement coming into conflict with dogs & walkers.

Dog Paddling Zone 🐶💦

We would like to build specific "doggy paddling zones" boardwalks to encourage "water incursions" in one area, to reduce river bank erosion but to ensure dogs (& kids) can continue to paddle. This will require an EA permit, but we hope its possible as HOIWWT have created similar sites elsewhere on the Itchen.

Signage 🥾➡️

All the signposts along Nuns Walk have been lost overtime, so we plan to install new fingerposts with clearer directions for footpaths, cycle paths & bridal-ways.

Keen to know more?

Please do get in touch if you would like get in touch or have any questions or concerns.

The Barns
(Winchester Farm)

Waste clearance & Barn Restoration Project

Water Meadows
(SSSI Land)

Conservation Project to restore from “unfavourable recovering” status.

Follow us on social media for more:
